Residents and Fellows Share Favorite Apps for Learning
Tuesday, Nov. 28, 2017
The Daily Bulletin stopped by the Residents Lounge on Monday to ask doctors the question: "What radiology apps do you use in work and for studying?" Several of our responders had to pause and think for a moment before answering, while others immediately grabbed their phones to show us their favorites.
Christoph Berliner, MD, final-year resident and first-year attending trainee at University Hospital in Hamburg Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany said, "I like Radiology Assistant, Dose Calculator and QX Calculate for formulas or staging, and Arznei aktuelle, which is an app useful for looking up drug dosing and comparable drugs."
"I don't normally use apps other than Epocrates," said Anish Ghodadia, MD, interventional radiology fellow at Yale New Haven Hospital, Connecticut.
Nisanard Pisuchpen, MD, a fellow at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand said, "They're not specifically radiology apps, but I use eAnatomy for reference and Notability for taking notes."
Erica Lopata, MD, is a second-year resident at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. She said, "I use Devices, which shows medical devices on x-ray and Radiopaedia. But mostly I look online."
"I don't use one for studying specifically," said Sangoh Lee, MD, fifth-year resident at University Hospitals of Leicester. "I use Radiology 4U, and I used to use Radiology Assistant, but stopped because they added a payment system. Now I look it up online for free."
Santiago Osorio, MD, a third-year resident at CES University in Antioquia, Columbia, said, "I used to use Rad Anatomy, Radiology and Differentiations, but now I usually look online."
"I use Radiopaedia, Learning Radiology, Radiology Assistant and Aunt Minnie," said fourth-year resident Ilaria Capretti, MD, of University of L'Aquila in Italy.
"I use Radiopaedia for reference articles and to check image findings. I also use RSNA because the RadioGraphics articles are very good for specific topics," said Lucas Gikonyo, MD, third-year resident at University of Nairobi.